Wednesday, 1 December 2010

What makes a difference is how we channel those times into helping others

We all have our up’s and down’s and if anyone says differently then they are lying. What makes a difference is how we channel those times into helping others.

I have been fortunate enough to meet Tom Rees who is not only a great person to be around but is also the founder and motivation behind an incredible website with the sole aim of helping others in need. Tom’s site is which is the place for any individual who is in need of help..

So if you or someone you know suffers from a drinking problem, drugs or depression please just let them know there are people out there who are trying to help, help which is free to find. It will only take a minute of your time but may well save the life of a friend. .

We only get one chance in life, this is not a rehearsal, so please if you really want to make a difference and help those in need please mention Tom’s site.


Sunday, 21 November 2010

Touched Your Heart

We have all made at least one wish in our lifetime for a reason only known to ourselves, but just like you, and I, there are many other people, almost 7,000 of whom have now made a wish on one-wish, a wish that is dear to their own heart, whether it be for themselves, someone close or simply for all humanity.

Here at one wish we would like to know, which wish besides your own has moved you, changed you or your perception or encouraged you in your life in anyway………. Please spend just a couple of minutes completing the simply form by clicking here

Touched Your Heart


Saturday, 23 October 2010

This may well sound really strange....

Did anyone else see bright orange lights in the sky over Didsbury (UK) last night...... at around 11 - 11:30pm, there were 3 evenly spaced orange glowing lights travelling in a north/west direction. At first I thought they might have been helicopters or even planes, but they seemed to be travelling too close together and there was no noise or additional flashing lights. These 3 lights disappeared into a cloud, but then they were closely followed by another 2 again flying close together and then by another 3, then 1 by 1, about 12 in all over a 30 minute period. This was so surreal and very strange... and before you say it, no, I hadn't been drinking last night.

Upon doing some research this morning on the internet this is certainly not the first occasion of people seeing these bright orange lights, there have been many similar sightings throughout the UK especially in and around Manchester over the past couple of years. If you don’t believe me just Google the above, it’s actually very fascinating to read all the reports.

I know this post is not in relation to my website, but it was something I experienced last night, and I wanted to share this with my readers.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

We all wish for something but do we wish for the right thing.....

Wishes play a pivotal role in hope, appreciative inquiry, resilience, savoring, purpose, love and goal setting. It is not always possible to guess the cause of happiness or the reason behind a particular demand. As a result, people often land up wishing for the “wrong” things. Wishes reveal a lot about the nature of a particular individual, and interestingly act as connections between human beings. Irrespective of the root, or community similar wishes bring people together. Actually, there are some concrete reasons underneath the perspective of consciousness that continuously ambush every effort if left unchanged. It would be no exaggeration to affirm that every endeavor kick starts with a wish. Human beings are born with an innate aptitude to create what they want. What is required is the understanding on how to "turn on" this ability.


Sunday, 12 September 2010

10 GREAT reasons to discover what one-wish can do for you.

  • Submit YOUR most desired wish via a simple, easy to use web-form.
  • Scroll through over 5,000 wishes from people from around “Our World” all of which have been categorised for you into easy to follow sections: Love, Money, Fame and many, many more.
  • With less than just 15 weeks to go until Christmas it’s time to start planning and buying your Christmas shopping and now with the creation of the NEW ONE-WISH Online Store in association with AMAZON. You can buy anything from the latest DVD to a new MP3 Player or even a vacuum cleaner if that’s what you need, directly and online without even leaving one-wish.
  • Tweet your favourite part of one-wish to your followers.
  • Come along and JOIN one-wish as a Friend and become a part of one-wish.
  • Enter our Monthly Prize Draw for a box of one-wish Goodies
  • Share any part or feature of one-wish with your friends and family….on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and many more social websites with just the click of your mouse.
  • Submit and follow a Good News story or just read the wonderful things that have been happening around our world.
  • Subscribe to the NEW one-wish news channel (RSS) and be the FIRST to know of the new and exciting developments on one-wish, FIRST for great offers, FIRST for competitions and more……..
  • A new, clean and fresh looking website layout with very easy to follow navigation, you won’t get lost on one-wish.

All the above is just a taster of what is now on offer at one-wish, so I really hope that when you have a few minutes to spare you will drop by and discover for yourself the wonderful goings on at one-wish.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Friday, 10 September 2010

Be the FIRST to know

We’ve added another GREAT new feature on one-wish.

You can now subscribe to the latest news on one-wish by clicking the RSS feed button that can be found on both our one-wish news and one-wish twitter pages. Subscribe today and you will be the FIRST to know of the new and exciting developments on one-wish, FIRST for great offers, FIRST for competitions and more……..

And I would just like to remind you all of another one of our most recent exciting developments on one-wish, the NEW ONE-WISH Online Store in association with AMAZON. You can buy anything from the latest DVD to a new MP3 Player or even a vacuum cleaner if that’s what you need. So please drop by and check-out the latest fantastic deals and start, dare I say it, planning your Christmas shopping list……..

The NEW ONE-WISH Online Store

I am sure you’ll enjoy your visit and whilst your there please remember to make your wish of the day.

Kind Regards

Thursday, 9 September 2010

The NEW ONE-WISH Online Store is OPEN

Today marks the day of the opening of the NEW online one-wish store in association with AMAZON. You can buy anything from the latest DVD to a new MP3 Player or even a vacuum cleaner if that’s what you need. So please drop by and check-out the latest fantastic deals and start, dare I say it, planning your Christmas shopping list……..

I am sure you’ll enjoy your visit and whilst your there please remember to make your wish of the day.

Kind Regards

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Update on One-Wish

First and foremost, I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have kindly visited, your visit is very much appreciated and without you one-wish would not be the success it is today.

I would just like to remind you all of the wonderful and useful features that I have introduced on one-wish over this past year to help make your visit both enjoyable and informative.

Key Features

A new, clean and fresh looking website layout.

Easy to follow navigation.

Submit YOUR most desired wish via a simple, easy to use a web-form.

Scroll through over 5,000 wishes from people from around “Our World”

All wishes have been categorised into easy to follow sections….. Love, Money, Fame and Many more……

Tweet your favourite part of one-wish to your followers.

Share any part or feature of one-wish with your friends and family….on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and many more social websites with just the click of your mouse.

Join one-wish as a Friend.

Submit and follow a Good News story.

Enter our Monthly Prize Draw for a box of one-wish Goodies!

Upcoming Features

If you would like a new feature or webpage added to one-wish, then please feel free to pass on your ideas via the contact form on one-wish, who knows it may well be added sooner than you think.


Just a little reminder about my ONE-WISH Pledge

Due to the great success of my ONE-WISH Pledge campaign I have decided to continue the campaign for a further six months. Therefore for every single person that makes a wish on between the 1 July 2010 – 31 December 2010 I promise to continue to donate 1p per wish to the following charity: Make a Wish Foundation UK It may not sound much but hopefully it will soon add up if everyone reading this pledge makes a wish and shares this with their family and friends! (My second payment to the Make a Wish Foundation UK was made on the 1 July 10 as promised)

Thank you for reading this update.

Kind Regards

Sunday, 29 August 2010

one-wish surpasses 1st goal, over 5,000 Wishes!

I am very pleased to announce that thanks to each and every one of you who kindly dropped by and left your wish have helped me to surpass my 1st goal. Over 5,000 wishes have now been made! Please help me to take this to the next level of 10,000 by asking your friends and family to drop by, thank you Mike.

Wishes are significant in human life. They may be defined as a hope, dream or love for something. Wishes make their presence felt from folklore to literature. While fiction is about supernatural wishes, sometimes entire tales revolve around wishes. Classically, the wish provider is a Genie, or spirit, after all who can ever forget the Aladdin's oil lamp or a container closed with Solomon's seal. Some cultures encourage people to "make a wish", such wishing upon a shooting star at night, tossing a coin into a well, or blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. When times are tough they offer us the much needed comfort, giving us a hint of hope and luck

Take Care
Kind Regards

Friday, 20 August 2010

Just a little up-date on one-wish.

Great news…..I am rapidly approaching a milestone of mine where I set a goal at the beginning of the year to attract 5,000 people to leave a wish upon my website one-wish, and I would like to thank each and everyone of you who have kindly contributed your personal wish. It would be absolutely wonderful if with your help, I could surpass this goal before the end of August. So if you like my website may I ask if you would kindly pass on my website details to your friends and family and ask if they would kindly leave a wish…….

Thanks to my own one-wish pledge campaign I've just made my second donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation (UK), and due to the success of this campaign I have decided to continue to promote my campaign for at least another year.

If and when you get the opportunity may be over the weekend, please will drop by, say hello and check-out my new "home" page and while your there why not enter the new prize just never know, it could be your lucky day!

Finally, I’ve made it very easy for you to share my website with your Friend's and Family, just click on the "share this button" on my website or simply forward this email to the people you know.

Thank you for sparing a few minutes to read this message and a big thank you to not only those who have kindly left their personal wish but to all those who feel that they want to help by spreading 'the word' with mentions to family, friends, etc.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take Care & Kind Regards


Watch out for my new book soon.....................

My Philosophy on life is simple, if I can help to make someone’s life easier, happier and fulfilling for at least one day, then this alone is good enough for me, why complicate life.

Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone, but if I’m lucky enough to be here then let me make a difference, no matter how small that difference may be and always remember one thing, life is a gift and is for living, live-it, love-it to its fullest everyday!

I believe I am who I am because of everyone, not just because of who I am.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Just One Wish

Make your one wish today, for love, luck, or something else, remember that wishes made for the good never go wasted, you can change your life, your friend’s lives, your family’s lives and even everyone’s lives.... Always remember one thing, life is a gift and is for living, live it, love it to its fullest everyday! Lastly check-out the wishes of other people from around our world, over 4,250 have now been made on one wish.

Many Thanks
Kind Regards

Friday, 15 January 2010

Please spare a couple of minutes to read "Our World"

Our World

Every year I ask just like many of us do…… what can I, one person do to make a difference?

This year I’ve decided to do something about it, I’m going to make that difference. I will show that just one person with the help and support of all the people who are reading this, their family and friends that in fact together working as a team we can and will make that difference, so here goes…..

Yes, we all know that currently the world over is experiencing economic hardship – more commonly known to you and I as the “Credit Crunch” and not to mention the severity of our Winter weather but these harsh times will end and it’s inevitable that the future will become brighter and these past turbulent years will be written into our history!

The future of “Our World” is in the hands of our Children it is our Children who will care for us as we grow older, it is our Children who will write our laws and bring prosperity and freedom to our lands, but lets not forget there are many children out there in fact millions who need our help, help in helping them to gain the knowledge and understanding of “Our World” a world which is fast becoming as one, thanks to our modern day science and technologies. Who would have thought as little as 20 years ago or even 10, maybe 5 years that today you and I could see and play games with our friends living thousands of miles away in America, China etc.. from our living room in our own homes or from the airplane which can take us around “Our World” in a matter of a single day! I want to use this technology to reach out to everyone and help bring together the people of our world, people who can and will help make that difference to those who need it the most, our Children.

There are Children who do not have the same opportunities that our children may have, they do not enjoy the same comforts as we may have and most of all they may not have the essentials of food, shelter and basic education which we all take so much for granted. So this brings me to my one-wish aim. I want to raise £1,000,000 ($1,500,000) to start a building program to build a school for the less privileged Children in as many continents of “Our World” as possible starting in Africa, then on to the America’s, Asia and more… I would like to equip these schools with the modern technologies that will help the Children achieve their own goals, which in turn will lead to a better world for everyone no matter of their race, colour or creed and bring unity to all!

I am certainly under no illusion, this will be a mammoth undertaking but all I can say I will certainly give it my best as I believe with all your help, advice and working closely as a team we will and can achieve this and more for the benefit of the less privileged Children of “Our World” our future!

You can help me to help others in many ways;

Simply by making a small donation, for example:

1) Advice,
2) Building Services,
3) Clothes,
4) Land,
5) Money,
6) Skills,
7) Technology,
8) The list is endless….


Simply help by just telling this story to your family and friends.

I believe it only takes for someone to have the courage and the goal to take the first important step. You and I may only be one individual or corporation but with your help and your family and friends help this one-wish will become a reality for many…..

I stress there is no obligation what-so-ever, as my greatest reward is that so many should approve and participate in the project, and so feel that they want to spread 'the word' with mentions to family, friends etc. However for those wishing to make a contribution towards my one-wish aim, your generosity is much appreciated, and is made easy and secure by quite simply clicking on the 'Donate' button on .

Alternatively if you would like to pledge your support or donation please simply complete the short form on

I plan to publish a book and an online version listing every person or company who generously makes a donation to “Our World” no matter how large or small that donation may be, every little will count. Everyone will have an option to have just their name listed or their name and donation or they can remain totally anonymous if they like. A copy of the book will be given to each school to be kept forever, to remind all who may visit of the generosity and goodwill of the people of our world.

My Philosophy on life is simple, if I can help to make someone’s life easier, happier and fulfilling for at least one day, then this alone is good enough for me, why complicate life. Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone, but if I’m lucky enough to be here then let me make a difference, no matter how small that difference may be. Always remember one thing, life is a gift and is for living, live it to its fullest everyday! I believe I am who I am because of everyone, not just because of who I am.

Please help me to help others.

If you would like to know more please don’t hesitate to contact me at

I would like to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my one-wish aim “Our World”. Thank you.


Friday, 1 January 2010

Welcome 2010

First and foremost may I wish everyone a VERY…….Happy New Year and I hope in the New Year which also heralds the start of a new DECADE all your dreams and wishes become reality…….

2009 has been a fantastic year for one-wish as not only has it received nearly 3,000 wishes from different people from different countries from around “our” world, but it’s given me the opportunity to meet and make many new friends, friends which I would not have known if it wasn’t for one-wish.

I would just like to take this brief opportunity to mention a couple of my new friends who are both exceptional and wonderful people, Wendy and Tom Rees. Wendy who has her own weekly Live Radio show Wendy’s Animal Talk, is also a BEST selling author of six books whose latest book “Dog Lover's Daily Companion: 365 Days of Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Living a Rich Life with Your Dog” was currently at No 2 in the charts the last time we spoke. During the Summer Wendy made the most generous offer to the Make-A-Wish Foundation UK to grant any child who would like to be on Wendy’s Animal talk live radio show in LA a wish to come TRUE. For those of you who do not know the Make-A-Wish Foundation are a charitable organisation, who grant wishes to both children and young people who have life threatening illnesses.

Wendy also runs her own website and a blog which is a must visit especially if you like our four legged friends. The blog is called and is absolutely fantastic, fun and informative for both adults and children alike.

Tom is the founding manager of who have developed a fantastic website called Tom also runs his own blog I think after visiting both sites you will gain a different and clearer perspective of life outside “our” own.

Both Wendy and Tom have become very good friends and I am very glad thanks to one-wish that I have had the opportunity to get to know these wonderful people on a more personal level.

I would like to make a special mention for Wendy’s sister, Carol Ann Emquies who is the chairman of the Africa Schoolhouse Foundation who are committed to building sustainable school communities for children in underserved areas of Africa. Their goal is to aid the progress of learning using modern technology and environmentally conscious methods while safeguarding the traditional teachings of cultural heritage. This is such a worthwhile organisation and it is the children who are the true beneficiaries of such a wonderful organisation. For more details log onto either or visit one-wish.

Now back onto one-wish.

During the year over 1,000 joined the one-wish mailing list to be kept in touch with the happenings and offerings on one-wish and on the subject of offerings; one-wish has just recently launched a new FREE Monthly and Bonus Prize Draw, giving every visitor the chance to win a box of one-wish goodies!

Finally, due to the great success of my ONE-WISH Pledge campaign I have decided to continue the campaign for a further six months. Therefore for every single person that makes a wish on between the 1 January 2010 – 30 June 2010 I promise to continue to donate 1p per wish to the following charity: Make a Wish Foundation UK It may not sound much but hopefully it will soon add up if everyone reading this pledge makes a wish and shares this with their family and friends! (My first payment to the Make a Wish Foundation UK was made on the 31 December 09 as promised)

Please help me to help others, thankyou…….

Thankyou for taking a few minutes to read this update and finally I would like to thank each and every one of you who has visited my website. If it wasn’t for you my website would not be the success it is today!

Many Thanks
Kind Regards